Submit your abstract now for the IC-3Rs symposium 2022

Posted on: 22/10/2024

The Innovation Centre-3Rs (IC-3Rs) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is organising its annual symposium on the 21st of September 2022 on the VUB Health Campus in Jette (Brussels). The symposium will focus on the application of the 3Rs in life sciences research.



During the morning session the focus will be on ‘Replacement technologies’. Following speakers will present their research:

  • Stefan Dübel (Technische Universität Braunschweig, DE) will discuss the use of animal-free recombinant antibodies,
  • Gilbert Schönfelder (BfR, DE) will address the advantages and disadvantages of antibody production without the use of laboratory animals,
  • Mieke Van Mulders (VUB-Sciensano, BE) will elaborate on the current status of the RE-Place database after which two speakers from the RE-Place database will present their work.
  • Sophie Hernot (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE) will present an in vitro assay for predicting biodistribution and
  • Sandra Verstraelen (VITO, BE) will showcase an in vitro air-liquid interface (ALI) exposure method to simulate in vivo inhalation.

The morning session will be closed with a lecture on Reduction:

  • Susanne Blotwijk (Vrije Universiteit Brussels, BE) will demonstrate how to use an interim analysis to reduce the number of laboratory animals (mice) in experiments.


Round table

After the lunch break, a round table will be organised where representatives of the main Belgian Universities will discuss how Ethical Committees can contribute to Reduction and Refinement practices. The round table will be moderated by Stef Aerts who is also the Chair of ‘Vlaamse Proefdieren Commissie’.


Poster/Video competition

A poster competition will be organised during lunchtime. You can submit your abstract on the 3R Principle in its broadest sense by the 1st of September 2022. You should also submit a 3’ video pitch by the 9th of September via a YouTube or Vimeo link. All documentation can be sent to Don’t forget to bring your poster on the day of the Symposium!

Two prizes will be attributed during the award ceremony at the end of the day: a jury prize of 250€ for the best video pitch and a public prize for the best poster. All attendees of the symposium are invited to participate to the voting for the public prize.

Winners are expected to give a short presentation during the award ceremony at the end of the day.

For more information, take a look at the conference website and/or contact in case of questions.

IC-3Rs symposium 2022